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En Welcome.US estamos ampliando rápidamente nuestras novedosas herramientas diseñadas para Unión por Ucrania para apoyar este nuevo programa de patrocinio venezolano. Ayúdenos a afrontar este momento dando un paso adelante para ser un(a) patrocinador(a) y un puente hacia la seguridad de los venezolanos.
El acceso a este proceso para venezolanos es gratuito. Ni la persona de apoyo ni el beneficiario tienen que pagarle una tarifa al gobierno de Estados Unidos por la solicitud. Protéjase de las estafas o posible explotación de parte de cualquier persona que le pida dinero asociado con la solicitud para este proceso.
This notice describes a new effort designed to immediately address the increasing number of encounters of Venezuelan nationals along the southwest border (SWB)
U.S. and Mexican authorities recently announced a new policy that would expel Venezuelans entering the U.S. land border back to Mexico, but allow up to 24,000 people from the country to apply for humanitarian entry into the United States by air.
More than 6.1 million refugees and migrants have left Venezuela as a result of the political turmoil, socio-economic instability, and the ongoing humanitarian crisis.
Seventeen countries host around 80 percent of Venezuelans throughout Latin America and the Caribbean – triggering the largest external displacement crisis in Latin America’s recent history.
People continue to leave Venezuela to escape violence, insecurity, and threats as well as lack of food, medicine, and essential services.
Children, women, and men continue to leave Venezuela for neighboring countries and beyond due to the ongoing political, human rights, and socio-economic developments in their country. Many arrive scared, tired, and in dire need of assistance.